Sunday, September 16, 2007

And Away We Go!!!

I was asked to think about what I am hoping to learn. This is a refreshing change, as most 'higher education' will take the liberty of telling you what you will learn. Sure, there are electives and the like (undergraduate perhaps), but the majority of learning is already charted out.
My past graduate educational experience was very positive. It was a source of tremendous growth and learning, but at a cost of an incredible amount of work. This brings me back to the original question - what am I hoping to learn...
I guess I am hoping to learn new ways to engage my students. I am looking for new methods and ideas, along with resources both in technology and those that compliment it to allow my instruction to evolve. The very nature of our business is ever changing. We face new challenges every school year, and within the 'live subjects' that sit eagerly in our classrooms can be daily or even hourly changes. I want to ensure that my skills, my instruction and my strategies have the ability to change with them and utilize whatever resources I can.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Adam, i'm lovin the blog! You definitely need to get some girly colors on here though, LOL! Just kidding!
Nice work on the concept map tonight!