Sunday, November 16, 2008

Name, Rank, and Facebook Page...

So I was watching some new channel the other day, and the talk was all about the upcoming Obama administration. Now there will be a changing of the guard, the new administration is offering a whole slew of newly vacated positions (bye bye W!). Anyway, the new application includes 63 fields of personal and professional information. It isn't just the usual job app info that is being requested. It isn't that potential employees are asked about their families and if they own a gun. What made it interesting and different to me was the fact that one's digital life was being called into question for validation. They are asked if they have sent any e-mails that might embarrass the administration. They are asked for all Internet handles and screen names that are used by the potential employee. They are asked for blog posts and Facebook pages that might also provide cause for concern.

This piggy-backs my previous blog post regarding Will Richardson's talk at my district's Professional Development Day. Technology truly has become a give and take environment, and he is the upcoming executive branch of our government holding potential job applicants accountable for their 'actions.' If this isn't cause to start rethinking technology education and digital ethics, what other catalyst are you looking for???

Facebook and other social networking sites have also been used a tools. If you doubt it, take a look at President Elect Obama's own Facebook page. Barack Obama's Facebook Page It worked so well that an anti-Obama group put up a fake looking one to convey their messages. Even the haters love it I guess.

1 comment:

Karen Kliegman said...

Really interesting! You should send a link to this to Will Richardson!