Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wake Me Up When September Ends

What a great song, but it is also how most educators feel. Each year brings a new class and this means a whole new set of challenges. Our district also has a few new curriculum initiatives that will surely bring an onslaught of changes and challenges. Add to this APPR, changing state and federal assessments and standards, media and political agendas against unions and teachers in general, diminishing financial support from the government.... wow... looking at it at face value it seems like a total nightmare set up.

On the other hand, it is another opportunity to start anew. I anxiously await meeting my new class and facing these new challenges. As every September approaches, I get just as nervous and excited as I did when I was in elementary school myself. The few nights before school starts will not have too much sleep time in them for me, but that's just the way it is I guess.

After the first day is complete, it's like we never left. We're back in the routine and long, hot days at the pool are a distant memory. The only thing that drives me nuts is that the "Back To School" sales don't have to start the first week of July! Enjoy the rest of your summer.

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