Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Get a (Second) Life already!

Could it virtually be a classroom or is it just a game?

I am looking into virtual worlds and doing some exploration. As I sit here typing, I am wondering what the deal is with this "Second Life" simulation thing that is all the rage nowadays and gaining more and more momentum with teachers. I am exploring more out of intrigue than interest. I am wondering how (if at all) I can use this as a resource in my classroom. I am somewhat predisposed to say that there will be minimal impact to my kids because of the grade level that I teach. Perhaps older students will be more able to utilize this.

I have started reading blogs and it is very interesting how some people (educators more specifically) are so into this 'world'. To me, it still feels like a new version of Dungeons and Dragons, but this time it uses technology instead of odd dice and perhaps it is also a bit more socially acceptable.

In any event, I would LOVE to know what educators are doing. I am beginning to envision virtual field trips to far away lands of different places and times... is that possible? What skills do I need in order to do this? Create this? Am I on the right track? Am I way off here? I'd love to know what you in the blogosphere (real world) are doing with your students in the virtual world.


Durff said...

SL is NOT D&D like in high school. Virtual worlds are a great platform for international meetings & conferences. There are even churches there. I attended a Bible Study in SL with other ladies from around the world. Lot of info here and Here
and another good place to explore is the Second Life in Education Wiki

Adam Dugger said...

Thank you so much for the comment mrsdurff! I have been using SL on my own for a bit now.. I like it.. just struggling with how to use it in my classroom. I attended a presentation on a web tool call weblender on SL through the Discovery Educator's Network. It was very cool to be 'there' with a whole bunch of other teachers.

Thank you very much for the links. I am going to tag them and read through them.

I have gotten some good clothes and other toys. I have been told that I don't look like a newbie anymore.. but surely I still am. lol

Durff said...

BTW Here is a great video about Second Life!